Px4 cmake command not found
Px4 cmake command not found

px4 cmake command not found

QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Users/emsar/workspace/Qt/build-qgroundcontrol-Debug/Qt5Locationd.dll" "Failed to extract plugin meta data from 'C:/Users/emsar/workspace/Qt/build-qgroundcontrol-Debug/Qt5Guid.dll'"

px4 cmake command not found

QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Users/emsar/workspace/Qt/build-qgroundcontrol-Debug/Qt5Guid.dll" "Failed to extract plugin meta data from 'C:/Users/emsar/workspace/Qt/build-qgroundcontrol-Debug/Qt5Cored.dll'" QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Users/emsar/workspace/Qt/build-qgroundcontrol-Debug/Qt5Cored.dll" "Failed to extract plugin meta data from 'C:/Users/emsar/workspace/Qt/build-qgroundcontrol-Debug/Qt5Chartsd.dll'" QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Users/emsar/workspace/Qt/build-qgroundcontrol-Debug/Qt5Chartsd.dll" "Failed to extract plugin meta data from 'C:/Users/emsar/workspace/Qt/build-qgroundcontrol-Debug/msvcp140_codecvt_ids.dll'" QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() looking at "C:/Users/emsar/workspace/Qt/build-qgroundcontrol-Debug/msvcp140_codecvt_ids.dll" Yet you show you have put them into the Build nonetheless. You have asked and we have explained that these environment variables need to be set at runtime, not at build time. Using the Run Settings section in Qt Creator (see ), OR


If(NOT QT_MKSPEC MATCHES said in Code that works with qmake does not work with re-read and follow the instructions you were said in Code that works with qmake does not work with cmake:

px4 cmake command not found

Target_link_libraries(QGroundControl PRIVATE Qt5::Test) Set_property(CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS "Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel Coverage")

Px4 cmake command not found